Log and Diary

1 Entry

26/09/2012 / Diary

September 26th, 2012

Some rain in the night...


...but some colourful views in the morning, again:


At the Radio: Speaking about a new round of rain...


So this is the last bright spot of the day:


After a short while there is new greyness:


...and wetness...


At noon at the office: The whole world is covered by cold rain...


At the desk: Doing some urgent tasks, all for the coming month...


Meanwhile at the outside: Only the trees seem to be full of life:


A break in the rain, but suspicious-looking clouds...


...are a sign of rain once more:


In the evening: The nearest blue sky is very, very far away...


Night falls and there are some more hours full of rain... 


Where do you want to go? (September 25th, 2012 / September 27th, 2012)